Selected Publications
1.)“Transverse Asymmetry from the Qusiaelastic 3He(e, e’) Process and the Neutron
Magnetic Form Factor,” W.Xu, et al Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2900 (2000). cited 97 times (SCI).
2.)“Polarization Measurements in High-Energy Deuteron Photodisintegration” K. Wijesooriya
et al.Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2975 (2001).cited 38 times(SCI).
3.)“Precision Measurement of the spin-dependent Asymmetry in the Threshold Region
of 3He(e,e’),” F.Xiong, D.Dutta, W.Xu et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 242501 (2001).
cited 16 times (SCI).
4.)“Measurement of the elastic electromagnetic form-factor ratio pGEP/GMP via polarization trans fer”, O.Gayou et al., Phys. Rev. C64, 038202 (2001).cited 112 times(SCI).
5.)“New measurement of parity violation in elastic electron-proton scattering and
implications for strange form factors.”Aniol KA et al, Phys. Lett. B 509 211-216
(2001).cited 81 times(SCI).
6.)“Q2 Evolution of the Generalized Gerasimov-Dreall-Hearn Integral for Neutron using
a 3He Tar get”, M. Amarian, et al Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 242301(2002). cited 47 times(SCI).
7.)“PWIA Extraction of the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor from Quasi-Elastic at Q2 = 0.3 to 0.6 (GeV/c)2”,W. Xu et al Phys. Rev. C 67, 012201(R) (2003). cited 44 times(SCI).
8.)“A high intensity beam line of γ-rays up to 22 MeV energy based on Compton backscattering”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 578, 457 (2007). cited 12 times(SCI).
9.)“An X-ray Source Based on Compton Backscattering of CO2 Laser and 100 MeV Electrons”, J.G. Chen, W. Xu, W. Guo et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 580 (2007) 1184.
10.) “A Future Laser Compton Scattering (LCS) -Ray Source: SLEGS at SSRF”, Q. Y. PAN,
W. XU, W. LUO, et al. Synchrotron Radiation News. 22 (2009) 11.
11.)“A potential photo-transmutation of fission product striggered by Compton backscattering
photons”,J.G.Chen, W.Xu, H.W.Wang, et al. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
A 599(2009)118.
12.)“A laser-Compton scattering prototype experiment at 100 MeV of Shanghai Institute of
Appliedlinac Physics”,W.Luo, W.Xu Q.Y.Pan, et al. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT 81 (2010)013304.
13.)” An X-ray spectroscopy system and its application to the laser-Compton scattering
experiments” W. Luo, W. Xu,et al., NUCL INSTRUM METH A624, 141(2010) .
14.) “X-ray generation from slanting laser–Compton scattering for future energy-tunable
Shanghai Laser Electron Gamma Source” W. Luo,W. Xu et al., Appl Phys B101,761 (2010)
15.) “A 4D Monte Carlo laser-Compton scattering simulation code for the characterization
of the future energy-tunable SLEGS” W.Luo, W.Xu Q.Y.Pan, et al. NUCL INSTRUM METH
A 660, 108 (2011).
16.)“(EC+b+) Decay of 130Ce,” S.W. Xu et al, Z. Phys. A 356, 35 (1996).
17.)“Weak (EC+b+) Decay Branch of 209Fr,” S.W. Xu et al, Z. Phys. A 354, 343 (1996).
18.)“(EC+b+) Decay of 129Ce,” S.W. Xu et al,Chin. Phys. Lett. 14, 344 (1997).
19.)“Reliability Study of Compton Polarimeter for BEPC,”K. Deng,R.C.Shang, S.J. Zhu,
W.Xu et al, High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics Vol.21, 289 (1997).(in Chinese)
20)“High energy angular distribution measurements of the exclusive deuteron photodisintegration
reaction”, E.C. Scuttle et al Phys. Rev. C. 66, 042201(R)(2002)
21)“Polarization measurement in neutral pion photoproduction”, K. Wijesooriya et al
Phys. Rev. C.66, 034614 (2002)
22.)“Cross Section Measurements of Charged Pion Photoproduction in Hydrogen and Deuterium”,
L.Y.Zhu et al.Phy. Rev. Lett. 91, 022003(2003).
23.)“Nuclear Transparency with the n-->-p Process in 4He”, D.Dutta et al., Phys. Rev. C 68, 021001(R) (2003).
24.)“Parity-violating electroweak asymmetry in e-vector p scattering”, K. A. Aniol
et al. Phys. Rev. C69, 065501 (2004)
25.)“Measurement of the Generalized Forward Spin Polarizabilities of the Neutron”,
M. Amarian et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 152301 (2004);
26.)” Basic instrumentation for Hall A at Jefferson Lab”, J. Alcorn, et al., Nucl.
Instru. Methods A522, 294-346 (2004).
27.)“Q2 Evolution of the Neutron Spin Structure Moments using a 3He Target”, M. Amarian,
et al Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 022301(2004).
28.)“High Resolution Search For Exotic Pentaquark Theta++, and Theta+ at Jefferson
lab.” Haiyan Gao, Wang Xu Presented at YITP Workshop on “Multi-quark Hadrons: Four,
Five and More?”, Feb. 2004, Kyoto, Japan. nucl-ex/0411013
29.)“Cross Section Measurements of Charged Pion Photoproduction in Hydrogen and Deuterium
from 1.1 to 5.5 GeV”, L.Y.Zhu et al. Phys. Rev. C 71, 044603 (2005)
30.)“Laser-driven polarized H/D sources and targets”, B. Clasie, et al., Nucl. Instru.
Methods A536, 260-265 (2005).
31.)“A new study for 16O(γ,α)12C at the energies of nuclear astrophysics interest:
The inverse of key nucleosynthesis reaction 12C(α,γ)16O”, Nucl. Instr.and Meth.A 2007, Vol581, 866
32.)“Extraction of the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor from Quasi-Elastic 3He(e, e)at
Q2 = 0.1 − 0.6 (GeV/c)2”, B. Anderson et al. (E95-001 Collaboration), Phys.Rev. C
75, 034003 (2007).
33.)“Measurement of the proton electric to magnetic form factor ratio from p(e, ep)”,C. Crawford et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 052301 (2007).
34.)“Extraction of the neutron magnetic form factor from quasielastic 3He(e, e’) at Q2
= 0.1–0.6 (GeV/c)2”, B.Anderson, L.Auberbach, T.Averett, et al. Phys.Rev. C 75(2007)34003
35.)“Angular Dispersion and Deflection Function for Heavy Ion Elastic Scattering”, BAI Zhen, WANG Qi,HAN Jian-Long , et al. CHIN.PHYS.LETT. 24 (2007) 3384.
36.) “Measurement of the Proton’s Electric to Magnetic Form Factor Ratio from 1H(e, e’p)”, C. B. Crawford, A. Sindile,
T. Akdogan, et al. Phy. Rev. Lett. 98, 052301 (2007)
37.) “3He Spin-Dependent Cross Sections and Sum Rules”, K. Slifer, M. Amarian, L.
Auerbach, et al. Phy. Rev. Lett. 101, 022303 (2008)
38.) “Charge Form Factor of the Neutron at LowMomentum Transfer from the HReaction”,
E. Geis, M. Kohl, V. Ziskin, et al. Phy. Rev. Lett. 101, 042501 (2008)
39.) “Transmutation of nuclear wastes reactions triggered by Compton photonuclear
backscattering photons at the Shanghai laser electron gamma source”, CHEN Jin-Gen,
XU Wang, WANG Hong Wei , et al. Chinese Physics C. 32 (2008) 677.
40.) “Backward Compton scattering and QED with noncommutative plane in the strong
uniform magnetic field”, HUANG Wei, XU Wang, YAN Mu-Lin, Chinese Physics C, 32 (2008)
41.) “Shanghai Laser Electron Gamma Source”, PAN Qiang-yan, XU Wang , CHEN Jin-gen,
et al. Nuclear Physics Review 25 (2008) 129;
42.) “Measurement of electric polarizabilities of light nucleus(nucleons)”, FAN Gong-Tao,
XU Wang, MA Yu-Gang , et al. Chinese Physics C, 32 (2008) 166.
43.) “Shanghai laser electron gamma source and its applications”, GUO Wei,XU Yi, CHEN Jin Gen, et al. Chinese Physics C, 32 (2008) 190
44.)“Determination of the stellar ,reaction rate for 12C(αγ )16O: using a new expression with the reaction mechanism”,Xu Yi, Xu Wang, Ma Yu-Gang, et al. Chinese Physics B 18(2009)1421;&Բ;
45.)“Study interaction between intensive circularly polarized laser and hydrogen atom using
a matrix method”,L.F.Yang, W.Xu, Q.R.Zhang, et al. Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Matrix
Analysis Hangzhou,P.R.China.July 9-13, 2009, pp. 199-202
46.)“The extraction of φ–N total cross section from d(γ , pK+K−)n”, X.Qian, W.Chen, H.Gao, et al. Physics Letters B 680(2009)417;&Բ;
47.)“Laser compton scattering experiments and the latest developments in construction of
experimental facilities at SINAP”,W.Luo, W.Xu Q.Y.Pan, et al. Optical Design and Testing II, Pts 1 and 2, (2009);
48.)“The BLASTexperiment”,D.HAsell, T.Akdogan, R.Alarcon, et al. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
Research A 603(2009)247;&Բ;
49.)“Radius studies of 8Li and 8B using the optical-limit Glauber Model in conjunction
with relativistic mean- eld theory”,FAN Guang-wei, XU Wang, M.Fukuda, et al. Chinese Physics C 33, 1(2009);
50.) “Experiment of X-ray Generations Using Laser-Compton Scattering at LINAC of SINAP”,PAN
Qiang-yan, XU Wang,LUO Wen, et al. Nuclear Physics Review 26 (2009) 115;
51.) “Measurement of PV asymmetry in n+p→d+γ and γ+d→n+p”, LI Yongjiang, XU, W, et al., Chinese physics C 34, 1465(2010).
52.)“A Simple X-ray Spectrometer and PC-based Data Acquisition System for Newly Developed
X ray Source Based on Laser Compton Scattering”,LUO Wen , XU Wang ,PAN Qiang-yan, et al. Nuclear Physics Review 26 (2009) 115;
53.)“Systematic uncertainty studies for precision measurement on electric polarizabilities
of 3He and 4He” G.T.Fan, W.Xu, C.J.Lin, et al. Nuclear Physics A 834(2010)183c;
54.) “Study of the ionization of hydrogen atoms in an intense circularly polarized”,
L.F.Yang, W.Xu , et al. PHYS SCRIPTA 144(2011)1;
55.) “Computational Investigation 2 of the Interaction Between Hydrogen Atoms and
an Intense Circularly Polarized Laser Field”, L.F.Yang, W.Xu , et al. COMMUN COMPUT
PHYS 11(2012) 756;
56.) “Experimental study for measuring the decay branching ratio for nuclear excitation
by electron transition in 189Os”, X. L. Cai, W.Xu, W. Luo, et al. Nuclear Physics
A 874 (2012) 1;
57.)“The development of LCS gamma source at Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics,Chinese
Academy of Sciences” Xu Wang, Huang Bosong, Li Yongjiang et al. High Power Laser and
Particle Beams (accepted in 2012);
58.) “Adjustable LCS γ Source SINAP-III”, Xu Wang, Luo Wen, et al., Nuclear Physics Review (accepted in