Master Planning Committee Bylaws

Article 1: Name of Committee

This committee’s name is the ҹɫ¸£Àû Master Planning Committee (MPC), organized under the authority of the Chancellor of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Its primary task is to assist in implementing and continually updating the current UAF Campus Master Plan. This involves wide consultation with the university and Fairbanks communities, strategic information gathering and analysis, and development of recommendations to the chancellor. The chancellor determines whether or not to accept in full or in part the recommendations of the Committee.

Article 2: Composition of Committee

The MPC is an advisory committee to the chancellor. There shall be no more than twenty-one (21) members serving on the committee. The chancellor appoints members based upon the recommendations from the entities listed below. Each member serves a term normally lasting three years; student terms are one year and may be renewed. These terms are staggered to promote continuity, and renewal is at the chancellor’s discretion. The chancellor also appoints a chair from among the faculty members of the committee. The chair’s term is one year; this may be extended for successive terms at the chancellor’s discretion.

Committee members from each area of interest are nominated by the following entities:

Chancellor: Alumni

Chair (faculty)

Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Native Education

Development Fundraising

Fairbanks Community

North Campus area

Past chair

Staff Council


Campus and Space Planning



Faculty-Rural Mission


Institutional Research

Student Services:


Student Services


Administrative Services:

Administrative Services

Facilities Services

While members are appointed from these areas of interest, it is expected that they take a global perspective as members of the MPC, taking all aspects of UAF’s mission and units into consideration.

Article 3: Responsibilities of the Master Planning Committee

The MPC’s responsibility is to make recommendations to the Chancellor that implement and continually update the current UAF Campus Master Plan. This requires wide consultation with university and Fairbanks communities and careful consideration of changes proposed for the campus’ facilities, land use, and physical environment. The MPC meets regularly to review proposals for actions that may impact these aspects of the campus environment. Such actions include, but are not limited to, proposed use of building sites, changes in parking and circulation, siting and modification of outdoor research facilities, siting of antennas and other building attachments, modifications to agricultural reserve lands and trails, landscaping and lighting, including permanent external art, and design of buildings and external signage.

The MPC has the option of creating standing and ad hoc subcommittees, and working groups, to advance its work (see Article 7 below). These subcommittees and working groups make recommendations to the MPC.

The MPC has the responsibility to communicate regularly about its work with the broader UAF and Fairbanks communities. The chair and committee members are expected to use reasonable means of doing so through public presentations, the media, and other means.

Article 4: Meetings of the MPC

Section 1. Regular MPC Meetings

Regular MPC meetings are open to the public. The MPC normally meets every other week during the academic year, usually on Thursday mornings from 9-11am. Any modifications to this schedule will be made at the first scheduled meeting in the fall semester and published on the website. During summer, meetings are scheduled in advance on an as-needed basis. If there is no business for the MPC to consider on the regularly scheduled date, all members will be notified by email and on the website that the meeting is cancelled. A minimum of five committee members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting a formal meeting. Formal committee recommendations must be approved by the greater of (a) five members or (b) more than 50% of MPC members present at any regularly scheduled or special MPC meeting. Only those formally appointed to the MPC by the chancellor are allowed to vote. Proxy voting is not allowed. Notes from all scheduled MPC meetings and any recommendations made to the chancellor will be made available to the public on a timely basis on the MPC website and/or from the Chancellor’s Office.

Section 2. Attendance at MPC Meetings

Regular attendance by committee members is essential to the success of the MPC’s work. Any member who cannot attend a meeting is expected to communicate this in advance to the chair in person or by email. Absences will be considered excused if prior notification is given to the chair.

If a committee member has consistent unexcused absences (three or more in one academic year), the MPC will recommend to the chancellor that a replacement be named.

If a member is no longer involved with the area of interest that led to the original appointment, or fails to carry out the duties of membership, the MPC will recommend to the chancellor that the member be removed and an appropriate replacement appointed.

Section 3. Special Meetings of MPC

The chair or a simple majority of the membership may call special meetings of the MPC on an as-needed basis. This includes meetings outside of the normal academic year. A minimum of three days advance notice will be provided to all members and to the public.

Section 4. MPC Meeting Agenda Items

Guidelines for bringing proposals forward for the MPC’s review are listed on its website. Any questions about these guidelines or the process of bringing matters before the MPC should be addressed to the chair (or vice-chair in absence of the chair). After due deliberation, the MPC will act as expeditiously as possible on proposals presented in a manner consistent with these guidelines. A written rationale shall be included for all recommendations made, and specific reference will be made to goals and action statements in the Campus Master Plan.

Proposed agenda items for a scheduled meeting shall be submitted to the chair at least three business days prior to the meeting. The MPC will not normally consider any agenda items brought forward for consideration after this deadline. Changes to this practice are at the discretion of the chair. The chair or secretary shall distribute the agenda and supporting papers to all members and other interested parties by email no less than two days before the meeting. Campus mail will be used for materials not in electronic form, with delivery scheduled for receipt within the same time limit.

Section 5. Public Meetings; Closed Meetings

Meetings of the MPC are subject to the University of Alaska Regents ’ regulations on open meetings (). Executive sessions involving the full committee may only be held in a manner consistent with that policy.

Section 6. Executive Committee Meetings

As the need arises, the chair may call a meeting of the Executive Committee (see Article 5 below) to address routine administrative or other tasks. The chair is responsible for reporting to the full MPC at its next regular meeting about any actions of the Executive Committee.

Article 5. Master Planning Committee Officers

The officers of the MPC shall include a chair, vice-chair, and a secretary. The chancellor shall appoint the chair from among faculty committee members. The chair is a voting member of the committee. The vice-chair and secretary shall be determined by majority vote of the MPC at its initial meeting in the fall semester. Terms of office shall be one year, with renewal possible at the discretion of the appointing entity.

An Executive Committee, made up of the chair, vice-chair, secretary, and immediate past chair, is authorized to act on routine administrative matters on behalf of the MPC. However, formal MPC recommendations require a vote of the full committee.

Article 6. Duties and Responsibilities of Officers of MPC

Section 1. Chair

The chair shall convene and preside over MPC meetings and provides leadership for accomplishing the MPC’s work. The chair works with committee members and subcommittee and working group chairs in developing processes and practices for fulfilling their tasks. The chair prepares MPC meeting agendas and consults as needed with those having business with the MPC. The chair works closely with committee members and with UAF staff to monitor progress in implementing provisions of the UAF Campus Master Plan.

Section 2. Vice-Chair

The vice-chair assists the chair in providing leadership for the committee’s work. If the chair is unable to participate in MPC work either temporarily or for longer periods, the vice-chair takes on the duties of the chair.

Section 3. Secretary

The secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of all formal MPC actions, including taking meeting notes, sending out meeting announcements and informational materials, distributing copies of meeting notes to each MPC member, and assuring that accurate records are maintained. The secretary is also responsible for working with the chair and UAF staff to ensure that the MPC website is kept current.

Article 7. Subcommittees and Working Groups

Section 1. Creation and Composition

From time to time, the MPC may create standing and ad hoc subcommittees, and working groups, to advance its work. Standing subcommittees meet regularly and are further defined in Sections 3 and 4 of this Article. Ad hoc subcommittees serve on a short-term basis to address a specific issue or task. Working groups meet on an ongoing, as needed basis to address topics related to the specific subject area assigned to the working group.

At a minimum, subcommittees and working groups must have at least three members and no more than nine; one member will serve as chair. At least one member of the MPC must serve on each subcommittee and working group. The MPC chair will identify potential members and a chair of all standing subcommittees for final approval by the chancellor. The MPC chair may also disband standing subcommittees at its discretion with approval from the chancellor. Ad hoc subcommittees and working groups may be established and disbanded at the discretion of the MPC. It is recommended that the membership of subcommittees and working groups include an individual central to the mission of the subcommittee or working group. For example, the membership of a circulation and parking working group should include representation from UAF Parking Services; the membership of a sustainability working group should include representation from a sustainability task force or office.

A majority of the subcommittee and working group members present shall constitute a quorum. Formal subcommittee and working group recommendations must be approved by a simple majority vote of members present. Only those formally appointed to a subcommittee or a working group are allowed to vote.

Section 2. Responsibilities

Each subcommittee and working group shall meet as needed to consider proposals or tasks referred to it by the MPC chair and to make recommendations to the MPC. The subcommittees and working groups shall also undertake any special duties as assigned by the MPC.

Meetings of all subcommittees and working groups are open to the public.   Meeting dates will be posted in advance to the MPC website, and meeting notes subsequently posted. The subcommittee and working group chairs will report regularly to the MPC about their meetings, deliberations, and recommendations.   The MPC is responsible for providing oversight of all subcommittee and working group work and for making any recommendations to the chancellor arising from their work.

Section 3. North Campus Subcommittee [standing subcommittee]

The North Campus Subcommittee (NCS) is responsible for making recommendations to the MPC about planning and approval of all uses on lands within the boundaries of the North Campus as detailed in the UAF Campus Master Plan. Any proposals involving this area shall be brought first to the MPC chair, who may then delegate to the NCS tasks of gathering information, developing detailed plans, and/or making recommendations.

Section 4. Campus Landscape and Outdoor Artwork Subcommittee [standing subcommittee]

The Campus Landscape and Outdoor Artwork (CLOA) Subcommittee, with support from Facilities Services, is responsible for making recommendations to the MPC about planning and implementation of the Campus Landscape Plan consistent with the Campus Master Plan. Any proposals involving these topics shall be brought first to the MPC chair, who may then delegate to the CLOA tasks of gathering information, developing detailed plans, and/or making recommendations.

Article 8: Amendments

These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the MPC, provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been posted on the MPC website at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is voted upon. Changes to these bylaws require a two-thirds vote of the full MPC membership and final approval by the chancellor.

Bylaws approved by MPC on January 14, 2010 and approved by Chancellor Brian Rogers on January 18, 2010.