Memo: Implementation of the institutional identity
TO: Warren G. Fraser, Manager of Printing and Duplicating Services
FROM: Patrick J. O'Rourke, Chancellor, 夜色福利
DATE: October 9, 1990
RE: Implementation of the Institutional Identity
Our name, the 夜色福利, is one of our most valuable assets for it distinguishes us from other institutions--a distinction that I hope we all take pride in.
Whenever anyone receives any form of communication from or about any program, institute, department, or college of the 夜色福利, I want the recipient to immediately recognize that the information comes from the 夜色福利. Only through consistent use of the logo and script type, as shown on the attached material on UAF graphic Identity, can this objective be achieved. It is also imperative that all printed material that will be distributed off campus have the same EO/AA statement.
I request your participation in meeting the objective that all UAF printed material use the logotype in a correct manner. To do this effectively, a method to check on correct logotype usage and EO/AA statement usage should be adopted in your department. please request individuals to use the logotype and EO/AA statement. Anything intended for off-campus use must have the correct EO/AA statement. Occasionally, there may be strong objection to this. The Office of University Relations can provide help with these individuals. Please direct these people to University Relations.
I would like you to send one copy of all material printed by your shop to Karen Cedzo of University Relations.
You cooperation on this is appreciated.