

Letter Explanation
ffailed Senate/Review Committee
+disapproved in part by Committee
#amended by Sen./Review Committee
aapproved by Chancellor's office
paction pending from Chancellor's Office
taction tabled by Senate
waction withdrawn
*modified by Chancellor's Office
!disapproved by Chancellor's Office
-no signature/action required
oapproved; no objection received from Chancellor's Office
rreferred to Committee


FY89 Recommendation to award UAF degrees to graduates. (-) Meeting #11 FY90 Recommendation of degrees to 1989-90 graduates. (-) Meeting #18 FY91 Endorse a survey of baccalaureate degree recipients. (-) Meeting #23 Motion to recommend to the BOR that the 1990-91 graduates be awarded the appropriate UAF degrees. (a) Meeting #26 FY92 Resolution to support the ASUAF resolution on Special Graduation requesting an investigation of a procedure that would enable married students graduating from different schools to "walk" together during their graduation ceremonies. (-) Meeting #32 Motion to recommend to the BOR that the 1991-92 graduates be awarded the appropriate UAF degrees. (-) Meeting #35 FY93 Motion to recommend a single tuition structure for all graduate students. (f) Meeting #37 Resolution concerning faculty involvement in Graduate education. (-) Meeting #40 Motion to endorse the Graduate Council proposal to change the number of TA and RA hours required to receive a tuition waiver. (-) Meeting #41 Motion to recommend to the BOR that the 1992-93 graduates be awarded the appropriate UAF degrees. (-) Meeting #42 FY94 Motion to approve a policy on graduation "walk-through." (*) Meeting #47 Motion to recommend to the BOR that the 1993-94 graduates be awarded the appropriate UAF degrees. (-) Meeting #49 FY95 Motion to recommend to the BOR that the 1994-95 graduates be awarded the appropriate UAF degrees. (-) Meeting #57 FY96 Motion to recommend to the BOR that the 1995-96 graduates be awarded the appropriate UAF degrees. (-) FY97 Motion to clarify graduation "walk-through" requirements for graduate students. (a) Meeting #71 Motion to recommend to the BOR that the 1996-97 graduates be awarded the appropriate UAF degrees. (-) Meeting #72

FY98 Motion to refer the policy concerning UAF faculty and advanced degrees back to the Faculty & Scholarly Affairs Committee. (-) Meeting #76
Motion prohibiting faculty from receiving a Ph.D. from UAF. (w) Meeting #78
Motion prohibiting faculty from receiving a graduate degree from UAF. (p) Meeting #79
Motion to refer the motion to amend the minimum requirements for Master's degrees back to committee. (-) Meeting #80
Motion that 1998-99 incoming graduate students may elect to fulfill the master's degree requirements from either the 1997-98 or 1998-99 catalog. (a) Meeting #80
Motion to approve the list of 1997-98 degree candidates. (-) Meeting #80 FY99 Motion to approve the list of 1998-99 degree candidates. (-) Meeting #88 FY00 Motion to approve the list of 1999-2000 degree candidates. (-) Meeting #95 FY01 Motion to approve the list of the 2000-2001 degree candidates. (-) Meeting #102 FY02 Motion to approve the list of the 2001-2002 degree candidates. (a) Meeting #109 FY03 Motion to approve the list of the 2002-2003 degree candidates. (a) Meeting #116 FY04 Motion to approve the list of the 2003-2004 degree candidates (-) Meeting #123
FY05 Motion to approve the list of the 2004-2005 degree candidates (-) Meeting #130
FY06 Motion to amend the "walk-through" requirements for graduate students. (a#) Meeting #136 Motion to approve the list of the 2005-2006 degree candidates (-) Meeting #137
FY07 Motion to approve the list of the 2006-2007 degree candidates (-) Meeting #144 FY08 Motion to approve the list of the 2007-2008 degree candidates (-) Meeting #151
Motion to approve the list of the 2008-2009 degree candidates (-)