

Letter Explanation
ffailed Senate/Review Committee
+disapproved in part by Committee
#amended by Sen./Review Committee
aapproved by Chancellor's office
paction pending from Chancellor's Office
taction tabled by Senate
waction withdrawn
*modified by Chancellor's Office
!disapproved by Chancellor's Office
-no signature/action required
oapproved; no objection received from Chancellor's Office
rreferred to Committee


FY88 Motions (3) forwarded to Statewide & BOR. (-) Meeting #04A FY89 Ad Hoc Committee Report on Compensation. (-) Meeting #07 3 Resolutions. (-) Meeting #08 Resolution Condemning Market-Based Salary Adjustments to Administrators--TABLED. (-) Meeting #10A FY90 Recommendations for Regents Compensation Policy. (-) Meeting #14 Table motion regarding distribution method of FY90/FY91 funds. (-) Meeting #18 Recommendation for $1.9 million supplemental FY90 funds. (-) Meeting #19 Refer to Faculty Affairs the motion to recommend that issues of equity for faculty be a major priority if funds become available to supplement FY91 compensation. (-) Meeting #19 Recommendation that FY91 funds in excess of 3% be used exclusively to adjust the salaries of permanent faculties. (-) Meeting #ac90 Recommendations for FY91 compensation distribution. (-) Meeting #ac90 FY91 Endorse the General Assembly action relating to salary enhancement. (-) Meeting #22 Recommend that any FY92 pay increase in excess of 3% be applied to the protection of real income as an across- the-board percentage increase to the base. (-) Meeting #24 FY94 Motion to establish a wellness program for University employees. (*) Meeting #48 Recommendations of the Presidential Task Force on Non-Bargaining Unit Faculty Salary Structure and Institutional Workload. (-) Meeting #49 Motion to table the discussion of faculty salary structure and compensation. (-) Meeting #50 FY95 Appointment of an Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Compensation. (-) Meeting #53 Motion to endorse a Faculty Compensation Plan. (-) Meeting #56 Motion to endorse Pay Raise Proposal and Formula. (-) Meeting #56 Call for a referendum on proposed pay raise scale. (t) Meeting #56 Resolution endorsing Faculty Alliance position on faculty salary structure. (-) Meeting #57 Motion to adopt in principle the recommendations by the Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Compensation and Workload. (t) Meeting #57 Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Compensation and Workload. (-) Meeting #57 FY96 Resolution urging the BOR to suspend new policy and hold public hearings to consider adoption of the UA Faculty Alliance recommended compensation policy. (-) Meeting #58 Motion to recommend that the UAF Administration follow the example of Chancellor Linds of UAS and spend all 2.6% of this year's salary money for equity. (-) Meeting #63 FY97 Motion to reaffirm the Senate's position on salary/compensation, locus of tenure, and post-tenure review--TABLED. (t) Meeting #69
FY01 Resolution on faculty compensation. (-) Meeting #102