
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 87 on 
April 5, 1999:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the petition process 
(exceptions to academic policy) as follows:  

CAPS = 	Additions
[[   ]]  =	Deletions

	1.  	For matters involving the CORE CURRICULUM:  Faculty 
		advisor, head of the department in the curricular area 
		involved, through the Graduation Office to the chair of 
		the Core Review Committee.  An appeal of the chair's 
		decision will be referred to the Provost for resolution.

	2.  	For matters involving the MAJOR OR MINOR DEGREE 
		REQUIREMENTS:  Faculty advisor, department head in the 
		major or minor area, to the Graduation Office.  An appeal 
		of this decision will be referred to the Dean in the major 
		or minor area for resolution.

	3.  	For OTHER matters:  Faculty advisor, dean/director of the 
		college/school of the student's major (who will consult 
		with the appropriate department head(s)) to the 
		Graduation Office.  An appeal of this decision will be 
		referred to the Provost for resolution.  


		By the end of September, the Registrar's Office will 
		supply the Curricular Affairs Committee with a brief 
		summary of petition actions taken during the previous 
		academic year.

	EFFECTIVE:  	Immediately
			Upon Chancellor Approval

	RATIONALE:  	The Senate's motion revising and simplifying 
		the petition process did not make provisions for students 
		with disabilities.  Those who have interpreted the ADA 
		and in particular Section 504 recommend that when 
		petitions are sought on the basis of a student's 
		disability, that the disability services office be 
		consulted to determine if the student's documentation 
		supports the request.

The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 87 on 
April 5, 1999:


The UAF Faculty Senate authorizes the UAF Honors Program to 
institute an Honors Thesis Scholar Option as a part of its offering.  
Applicants for the Honors Thesis Scholar Option must have a 
cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above, or a GPA of 3.5 for the semester 
preceding application.  They will present a letter of application no 
later than the end of their junior year, along with two letters of 
recommendation, to the Director of the Honors Program.  Students 
accepted to complete the Honors Thesis Scholar Option must 
complete 12 hours of credit in honors courses and must complete 
an Honors Thesis (paper, project, performance, or other substantial 
work agreed upon by the thesis committee) for 3 hours of credit in 
their senior year.  Of the 12 hours of honors courses, a total of 9 
may come from the honors core offering.  At least 3 of the 12 hours 
must be accomplished as contract hours in connection with a 
regular upper-division course in the student's major.  Graduates 
who successfully defend their honors thesis and fulfill course 
requirements will have "Honors Thesis Scholar" printed on their 
diploma and on their official transcript.

	EFFECTIVE:  	Immediately
			Upon Chancellor Approval

	RATIONALE:  	The Honors Program currently offers honors 
		graduate designation to members of the program who 
		successfully complete 27 hours of honors credit in 
		addition to a 3-hour honors thesis and who maintain a 
		3.5 GPA.  In the past, the honors program has best 
		served the needs of students who enter UAF directly out 
		of high school and has attracted an impressive number 
		of National Merit Scholars and recipients of UAF 
		Chancellor's scholarships.  The addition of the Honors 
		Thesis Scholar Option will enable the honors program to 
		better satisfy the needs of nontraditional students, 
		transfer students, and others who show promise later 
		in their academic careers.  The Honors Thesis Scholar 
		Option would be available to all UAF students, whether 
		on the main campus or residing away from Fairbanks.  
		The Honors Thesis Scholar Option also would give UAF 
		departments a way to encourage excellent students who 
		show particular promise as they concentrate on upper-
		division courses in their major.

The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 87 on 
April 5, 1999:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend Section 3 (Article V:  
Committees, Permanent) of the Bylaws by deleting E.2. (The 
Service Committee) and renumbering  the remaining sections as 

	EFFECTIVE:  	Immediately

	RATIONALE:  	Duplication of the Provost's Outreach Working 
		Group which includes a Senate representative.  This 
		action minimizes duplication and accomplishes the same 

The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 87 on 
April 5, 1999:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to recommend that the Provost 
continue to ask the Senate for representation on the Outreach 
Working Group.  

	EFFECTIVE:  	Immediately

The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 87 on 
April 5, 1999:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to recommend to the Provost that 
the following administrators be reviewed:

Executive Dean, College of Rural Alaska
Director, School of Agriculture & Land Resource Management
Director, UAF Museum
Director, Institute of Marine Science
Director, Bristol Bay Campus
Director, Chukchi Campus
Director, Interior-Aleutians Campus
Director, Tanana Valley Campus
Director, Geophysical Institute
Dean, School of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences

Director of Library
Dean of Graduate School
Director, School of Mineral Engineering

Dean, College of Natural Resource Development & Management
Director, School of Management
Director, School of Education*
Dean, College of Liberal Arts*
Dean, College of Science, Engineering, & Math*
Director, Institute of Arctic Biology*
Director, Institute of Northern Engineering*
Director, Kuskokwim Campus
Director, Northwest Campus
Director, Alaska Cooperative Extension
Director, Center for Distance Education

*If present temporary person is still in place in 2001

	EFFECTIVE:  	Immediately

	RATIONALE:  	The Appeals and Oversight Committee was 
		tasked during fall semester 1998 with reviewing the 
		policy for the evaluation of administrators.  The primary 
		qualification for selection for periodic review by the 
		Provost's Office was administrators holding academic 
		rank whose positions directly impact the academic 
		programs and whose performance directly affects the 
		ability of faculty to carry out their academic duties.

The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 87 on 
April 5, 1999:


BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate ratifies the election 
of Larry Duffy as President-Elect of the UAF Faculty Senate for 
1999-2000  by acclamation.