
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #48 on 
March 21,1994:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to adopt a policy on faculty initiated 
withdrawals for students who have not met the class prerequisites. 
(Faculty are encouraged to consult with students prior to 
undertaking such action.)


Faculty reserve the right to drop (prior to the 4th Friday of classes) 
from class rosters students who have not met the prerequisites as 
listed in the catalog course description.

	EFFECTIVE:   	Fall 1994

	RATIONALE: 	This policy will allow enforcement of the 
		course prerequisites.

Signed:  B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate     Date:  3/21/94

APPROVED:  Joan Wadlow, Chancellor  		Date:  4/6/94


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #48 on 
March 21,1994:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend its policy (approved at the 
Academic Council meeting #103 on November 7,1984) concerning 
mid-term grade reports required for freshmen with a grade of less 
than a C so that these grades shall be due during the fourth week of 


For the 1994-95 academic year mid-term grade reports for 
freshmen will be due:

	September 27th for the Fall 1994 Semester

	February 7th for the Spring 1995 Semester

	NOTE:  Many of these students will need assistance in 
	evaluating their academic progress. It is therefore suggested 
	that instructors provide as much information as possible 
	concerning course expectations. Aside from meaningful course 
	syllabi, which include grading standards, instructors should 
	provide students with as many of the following as practicable: 
	graded exercises or quizzes within the four week period; 
	posting sample graded problem sets, exams, and/or papers 
	from previous years; and publishing grade distributions from 
	previous years.

	EFFECTIVE:  	Fall 1994

	RATIONALE: 	The change in withdrawal dates has 
		necessitated the need for freshmen to know how they are 
		doing in their classes at an earlier date. The last day to 
		withdraw from a class for freshmen is the sixth Friday 
		of classes.  Receiving a grade report by the fourth week 
		will give students time to consider dropping these.

Signed:  B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate     Date:  3/21/94

APPROVED:  Joan Wadlow, Chancellor  		Date:  4/6/94


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #48 on 
March 21,1994:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to recommend that the Provost Office 
collect information on research, scholarly, and creative activities 
using a data summary form based on the draft form attached.

	RATIONALE: 	It is becoming increasingly necessary for 
		faculty to cooperate in protecting UAF's status as a 
		research-oriented institution. Unless we take steps to 
		demonstrate the importance of our research to the State 
		of Alaska, we face the prospect of having our status as a 
		research institution whittled away. A form such as the 
		following will provide information that reflects our 
		output and which the Provost's office can use to show 
		the extent of our research. In designing this form, we 
		have incorporated faculty input and expect that further 
		revisions based on faculty input will be necessary. The 
		bottom line is that if we do not take action in proposing 
		such a form, it will be imposed on us from above.

Signed:  B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate     Date:  3/21/94

APPROVED:  Joan Wadlow, Chancellor  		Date:  4/6/94


Data Summary Form for
Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities
For Calendar Year

Name: 						Date:
Research Institute(s): 
Other Affiliation(s):

A.	Production

	1.  Written publications (For coauthored publications and other 
	coproductions, divide 1 by the number of coauthors/ 
	coproducers that are UAF faculty, e.g. a paper with two UAF 
	coauthors would count as 0.5 for each coauthor.)

			# published 	# accepted 	# translations
			for publication 

Major reference books: dictionaries, concordances, atlases
Scholarly books 
Short stories 
Book chapters 
Encyclopedia articles 
Referreed journal articles 
Non-referreed journal articles 
Newspaper and magazine articles 
Indices published 
Abstracts published 
Book reviews published 
Reviews of papers and articles pub.

	2. Other Production

Public information literature: circulars, manuals, brochures, 
	pamphlets, bulletins, etc.
Contract reports
Major reference databases: dictionaries, concordances, atlases
Software programs developed
Films, broadcasts, videotapes
Published artwork:
	Prints 	Reproductions	Drawings and illustrations
Published building designs
Medical and engineering drawings
	Production  	Direction	Design
Musical composition
Artistic performances:
	Conductor   	Solo   	Ensemble	Soloist
	Museum	Gallery	Solo   	Juried	Invitational
Presentations as invited speaker
Other presentations

B. 	Honors

Visiting appointments
Research awards, honors, and distinctions
Offices held in professional organizations:
	Elected	Appointed

C. 	Funding

	Number of   Total funds    # graduate students     # technicians 
	proposals 	 requested  	supported   		supported

Proposals filed 
	Internal (UA) 
Proposals funded
	Internal (UA)
Patents filed, issued, and commercialized


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #48 on 
March 21,1994:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to adopt the following calendar of 
meetings for the 1994-95 academic year.


			Calendar of Meetings

Mtg. #  Date  		Day    	Time  		Type  		Location
50 	9/19/94		Monday	1:30 p.m.	face-to-face	WC 
51	10/17/94	Monday	1:30 p.m.	audioconference	WC 
52	11/14/94	Monday	1:30 p.m.	audioconference	WC 
53	12/5/94		Monday	1:30 p.m.	face-to-face	WC 
54	2/6/95		Monday 	1:30 p.m.	face-to-face	WC 
55	3/20/95		Monday 	1:30 p.m.	audioconference	WC 
56	4/24/95		Monday 	1:30 p.m.	face-to-face	WC 

Signed:  B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate     Date:  3/21/94


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #48 on 
March 21,1994: 


BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate ratifies the election of 
President-Elect on the basis of the following ballot.



Please vote for ONE individual to serve as the President-Elect of the 
UAF Faculty Senate for 1994-95.

	***	Eric Heyne
		Associate Professor

		John Zarling
		Mechanical Engineering

***President Elect

Signed:  B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate     Date:  3/21/94


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #48 on 
March 21,1994:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to support the resolution relating to 
Institutional support for workload description as amended and 
forward it to the Faculty Alliance.


[[  ]]  =  Deletion
CAPS =  Addition

WHEREAS quality education requires the hiring and retention of first 
	rate faculty, and

WHEREAS the greatest incentives to faculty attraction and retention 
	are not necessarily financial but recognition of professional 
	status including a significant role in institutional management 
	and local autonomy, and

[[WHEREAS the greater part of faculty work responsibilities are in 
	support of their teaching and this work is not publicly visible, 

WHEREAS these facts are not generally known to the tax-paying 
	public or to legislators; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Office of Institutional Research work 
	together with faculty better to describe and explain the work 
	of faculty, making this information widely available to the 
	public and to legislators in standardized formats, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the same level of scrutiny and the 
	same reporting standards be applied to campus and statewide 

Signed:  B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate     Date:  3/21/94


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #48 on 
March 21,1994:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to support the resolution relating to 
resource utilization as amended and to forward it to the Faculty 


[[  ]]  =  Deletion
CAPS =  Addition

WHEREAS Alaska is facing a fiscal crisis, and

WHEREAS that it is imperative that all State agencies be as 
	efficient as possible without jeopardizing their missions, and

WHEREAS that the University of Alaska could spend additional time 
	identifying alternative ways of reducing the impact of oil 
	revenue shortfalls,


	The University of Alaska fully explore all ways of increasing 
	revenues and decreasing costs without jeopardizing the quality 
	of its [[services]] EDUCATIONAL MISSION, including, but not 
	limited to:

a) 	increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of student 
	recruitment through an identification of appropriate target 
	groups and the development of professional recruitment and 
	retention programs;

b) 	investment in crucial resources which act as bottlenecks to 
	the recruitment and retention of students, such as limited 
	housing and limited course offerings in general education 
	requirement courses;

c) 	streamlining the administrative structure of the university 
	through the elimination of administrative layer

Signed:  B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate     Date:  3/21/94


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #48 on 
March 21,1994:


The UAF Faculty Senate moves that Statewide Human Resources set 
up a wellness program for University employees. This program 
should be developed in consultation with statewide and local 
governance bodies and should incorporate guidelines developed from 
successful programs outlined in the UAF Coordinating Committee's 
Ad Hoc Committee on Health Benefits.

	RATIONALE: 	By promoting a wellness program, the 
		University of Alaska would see direct results in a 
		decrease in health benefits.  Savings in health care costs 
		are well documented for wellness plans which have been 
		able to achieve reasonable levels of participation.  One 
		study indicated that total costs for medical care 
		increased 35% in a control company but only 1% at 
		Canadian Life after a work site exercise program was 
		adapted.  High adherent participants had a 5% reduction 
		in medical care costs.  At Prudential, there was a 45.7% 
		reduction in average major medical costs from the pre-
		entry to the post-entry period for program participants, 
		while a 48.2% difference between exercisers and non 
		exercisers was reported at Tenneco.  Long term studies 
		demonstrate the same trends.  Los Angeles County had a 
		45% reduction in worker's compensation costs during the 
		first 10 years of their program.  At Blue Cross/Blue 
		Shield of Indiana a long term study showed that for every 
		$1.00 in medical costs spent on participating employees, 
		$1.73 was spent on nonparticipating employees.  
		Pillsbury estimates that for every $1.00 spent on its "Be 
		Your Best" wellness program $3.63 is saved in health-
		related costs.

Signed:  B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate     Date:  3/21/94

APPROVED:  Joan Wadlow, Chancellor (1) 		Date:  4/6/94

(1)  I have already sent the Staff Council Motion on a Wellness 
Program to Statewide Human Resources.  That office had already 
indicated that the wellness program was a current topic.