
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #37 on 
October 19, 1992:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the Transfer of Credit 
policy as follows:

[[  ]]	Deletions
CAPS 	Additions

Credit accepted for transfer to UAF which has been earned at other 
regionally accredited institutions, through military educational 
experiences or credit accepted by special approval, is considered 
transfer credit.  Where possible, transfer credit is equated with UAF 


	EFFECTIVE: 	Spring 1993
			Upon Chancellor's approval

	RATIONALE:	The proposed change in Credit for Prior 
		Learning policy which implements an accreditation 
		recommendation from the Northwest Association of 
		Schools and Colleges would jeopardize existing 
		agreements with state and national programs which 
		award credit for certain certificates and exams.  This 
		change in transfer policy removes credit earned from 
		these agreements from the Credit for Prior Learning 
		category to Transfer Credit classification and thus 
		preserves the agreements.

Signed:  Timothy Tilsworth, President, UAF Faculty Senate
	Date:  10/20/92

Approved:  J. Wadlow, Chancellor   	Date:  10/21/92


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #37 on 
October 19, 1992:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the attached list of 
professional programs for transfer credit under revised UAF 
Transfer Credit Policy.  

	EFFECTIVE: 	Immediately

	RATIONALE:	This motion completes implementation of 
		the Transfer Credit Policy revision by establishing a list 
		of professional programs approved for transfer credit to 
		be maintained in the Office of Admissions and Records.  
		Programs on this list and the corresponding agreements 
		with governmental and professional organizations have 
		been in effect at UAF in the past; the effect of this 
		motion is to move them from the category of Credit for 
		Prior Learning to that of Transfer Credit.  The complete 
		list of national, state, and professional authorizations, 
		certificates, credentials, and/or examination 
		accompanied by a listing of appropriate course 
		equivalencies are on file with the Governance Office.  

Signed:  Timothy Tilsworth, President, UAF Faculty Senate
	Date:  10/20/92

Approved:  J. Wadlow, Chancellor   	Date:  10/21/92



Alaska Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor Review Board 
	Substance Abuse Counselor - Level I Certification
	Substance Abuse Counselor - Level I, Advanced Certification
	Substance Abuse Counselor - Level II Certification

National Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition:
	Child Development Associate Credential
	Child Development Associate Credential - Infants & Toddler
	Child Development Associate Credential - Family Day Care

Educational Institute of the American Culinary Federation 
	Certified Baker or Cook
	Certified Executive Chef
	Certified Executive Pastery Chef
	Certified Pastry Chef
	Certified Working Chef

Federal Aviation Administration Certificates or Authorizations:
	Flight Instructor's Certificate - Airplane or Rotorcraft Rating
	Flight Instructor's Certificate - Airplane Instrument or 
		Rotorcraft Instrument Rating
	Inspection Authorization
	Mechanic's Certificate - Airframe Rating
	Mechanic's Certificate - Airframe and Powerplant Rating
	Mechanic's Certificate - Powerplant Rating
	Pilot's Certificate - Airline Transport Pilot
	Pilot's Certificate - Commercial Rating
	Pilot's Certificate - Private Rating
	Pilot's Certificate - Private or Commercial - 
		Instrument Rating
	Pilot's Certificate - Private, Commercial or Airline 
		Transport Pilot - Seaplane Rating
	Pilot's Certificate - Private, Commercial or Airline 
		Transport Pilot - Multi-engine Rating

Federal Aviation Administration Examinations:
	Private Pilot Written Exam
	Commercial Pilot Written Exam
	Instrument Written Exam
	Airline Transport Pilot Written Exam
	Fundamentals of Instructions and Certified Flight 
		Instructor Written
	Flight Engineer - Reciprocating, Flight Engineer - 
		Turboprop, or Flight Engineer - Turbojet

Institute for Certifying Secretary's Examination:
	Certified Professional Secretary Examination

National Wildland Fire Coordinating Group Skill and Incident 
Command System Certificates:
	Emergency Fire Fighter S-130, S-190 Certificate
	1-220, Basic ICS Certificate
	S-211, Chainsaws Certificate
	S-212, Portable Pumps and Water Use Certificate
	S-390, Fire Behavior Certificate
	S-270, Basic Air Operations Certificate
	1-271, Helibase Manager Certificate
	1-272, Helispot Manager Certificate
	S-230, Crewboss Certificate
	1-330, Task Force/Strike Team Leader Certificate
	S-205, Fire Operations - Urban Interface Certificate
	1-252, Ordering Manager Certificate
	1-253, Receiving and Distribution Manager Certificate
	1-254, Base/Camp Manager Certificate
	1-255, Equipment Manager Certificate
	1-359, Medical Unit Leader Certificate
	1-248, Check-in/Status Recorder Certificate
	1-342, Documentation Unit Leader Certificate
	1-346, Situations Unit Leader Certificate
	1-348, Resource Unit Leader Certificate
	S-260, Fire Business Management Certificate
	S-261, Personnel Time Recorder Certificate
	S-262, Equipment Time Recorder Certificate
	S-264, Compensation for Injury Certificate
	S-266, Commissary Manager Certificate
	S-234, Firing Methods and Procedures Certificate
	S-336, Wildland Fire Suppression Tactics Certificate
	S-200, First Attack Incident Commander/Single Resource 
	S-201, Fire Supervision Certificate
	S-300, Incident Commander Multiple Resource/Extended 

U.S. Air Force:
	Arctic Survival Course, SC-87A


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #37 on 
October 19, 1992:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the following process for 
amending the list of professional programs qualifying for transfer 

	EFFECTIVE: 	Immediately

	RATIONALE:	This motion partially implements the 
		change in Transfer Credit policy effected by the 
		previous motion by setting up an approval process for 
		modifications in the list of professional programs 
		qualified for transfer credit maintained by the Office 
		of Admissions and Records.  (This motion, as were last 
		meeting's motion on Credit for Prior Learning and the 
		other two transfer credit motions considered at this 
		meeting, results from a strong accreditation 
		recommendation made by the Northwest Association 
		of Schools and Colleges.)

Signed:  Timothy Tilsworth, President, UAF Faculty Senate
	Date:  10/20/92

Approved:  J. Wadlow, Chancellor   	Date:  10/21/92



The Office of Admissions and Records shall maintain a list of 
national, state and professional certificates, examinations, 
authorizations and/or credentials (hereafter collectively referred to 
as "certifications") which are approved for transfer credit under 
revised University Transfer Credit Policy.  Each such certification 
shall be accompanied by a listing of appropriate course 

The initial list of authorized programs will be approved by the 
Senate on recommendation of the Curricular Affairs Committee.  
Thereafter, the following process will be utilized for amending the 

	Proposed amendments shall be forwarded by cognizant deans 
	to the Senate where they will undergo review identical to 
	that for substantive undergraduate program and course 
	changes, i.e., unanimous approval by the Curriculum Review 
	Committee subsequent to publication and an appropriate 
	comment period (currently 10 days).  Irreconcilable 
	disagreement on the part of this committee or between the 
	committee and the proposers shall be referred to the 
	Curricular Affairs Committee for final resolution.  Proposals 
	will then be forwarded to the Office of the Vice Chancellor 
	for Academic Affairs.

	Proposals for additions to the list shall include:

	A.	Complete name of sponsoring professional organization 
		and titles of specific certifications qualifying for 
		transfer credit.

	B.	Rationale, including types of training and/or experiences 
		required for each certification and its relationship to 
		university studies.

	C.	Expected budgetary impact.

	D.	List of UAF course equivalencies and corresponding 
		credit hours to be used in awarding transfer credit.


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #37 on 
October 19, 1992:


BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate ratifies the election of 
three individuals selected on the basis of the following ballot.   


Please vote for THREE individuals to serve on the Faculty Appeals 
Committee for promotion and tenure.

Jerry Purser, CES
Professor of Extension Agriculture Resources Management

Clifford Cox, SOM
Associate Professor of Accounting Information Systems

Roger Powers, CLA
Professor of Anthropology

Current Membership:

William Harrison, CNS (93)
Professor of Physics

Scott Huang, SME (93)
Professor of Mineral/Geological Engineering

	EFFECTIVE: 	Immediately

	RATIONALE:	The Faculty Appeals Committee is 
		composed of five members, serving staggered 
		two-year terms.  The Senate must ratify the election.  

Signed:  Timothy Tilsworth, President, UAF Faculty Senate
	Date:  10/20/92


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #37 on 
October 19, 1992:

RESOLUTION PASSED (w/10 abstentions)

WHEREAS, there is a need for someone to coordinate and seek 
	new faculty resources; and

WHEREAS, there is a need for a centralized efforts to 
	coordinate materials, information and resources; and 

WHEREAS, there is a need to coordinate activities such as 
	workshops, grants and faculty orientation; and 

WHEREAS, there is a need for a faculty member to oversee the 
	Office of Faculty Development and to serve the interests and needs 
	of the faculty; and

WHEREAS, there is a need for all faculty to participate beyond 
	the department level for greater cooperation between departments; 

WHEREAS, there is a need to provide faculty development 
	support beyond the department level; now, 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate 
	recommends maintaining the Office of Faculty Development; and 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate further 
	recommends staffing the office with a permanent faculty member 
	whose current contract would be extended by one month.  This would 
	allow the faculty member to represent the Office of Faculty 
	Development throughout the year.

	The remainder of the currently allocated funds could be used 
	for proposals from departments for faculty development and 

	EFFECTIVE: 	Immediately

Signed:  Timothy Tilsworth, President, UAF Faculty Senate
	Date:  10/20/92


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #37 on 
October 19, 1992:


BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate moves to confirm the 
membership on the Ad Hoc Committee on Health Benefits.

	EFFECTIVE: 	Immediately

Signed:  Timothy Tilsworth, President, UAF Faculty Senate
	Date:  10/20/92



Vidyadhar Kamath		Colin Read
417 Duckering			109G Bunnell
Petroleum Engineering 		Economics
5192 	FFVAK			5075 	FFCLR1
Jenifer McBeath  		Sandy Wolf
230 AHRB			201 FA/T
Plant/Animal/Soil Sci. 		Theatre 
7431 	FFJHM			7638

Kelley Pace
117C Bunnell
Business Administration
6657 	FFRKP


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #37 on 
October 19, 1992:


BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate moves to confirm the 
membership on the Core Review Committee, a subcommittee of the 
Curricular Affairs Committee.  

	EFFECTIVE: 	Immediately

Signed:  Timothy Tilsworth, President, UAF Faculty Senate
	Date:  10/20/92


Humanities: Walter Benesch (94) 405C FA/T Philosophy/Humanities 7398 FYPHIL English: Joan Worley (93) 417 FA/T English 5250 FAENGL Management/Engineering: Frank Williams (94) 539 Duckering School of Engineering 6086 FYENGR Natural Sciences: Kent Schwaegerie (94) 215 Irving Biol/Wildlife, IAB 5622 FFKES Math: John Gimbel (94) 303B Chapman Mathematical Sciences 6102 FFJGG Behavioral Sciences: Clifford Brennen (93) 702A Gruening B.S.H.S. 7007 FFCEB1 Speech: Robert Arundale (94) 404 FA/T Speech 6799 FFRBA Student: Maureen McElroy (93) ASUAF Moore Hall 619 7786 7355 FSMTM1 Ex-Officio: Gerald A. McBeath Acting Dean CLA 6505/5327 FYOFD ------------------------------------------------------------- The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #37 on October 19, 1992: MOTION PASSED (w/2 nays & 7 abstentions) ============== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to request that the Administrative Committee aggressively pursue obtaining the evaluations of the VCAA and VCR from the university administration. Signed: Timothy Tilsworth, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 10/27/92