
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #23 on 
December 17, 1990:

RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate formally requests 
faculty input through their representatives to the chancellor search 

	RATIONALE:	The faculty have a responsibility to input 
		their concerns to the chancellor search process.  Because 
		this is a relatively new process for UAF, this resolution 
		is intended to remind the faculty of their responsibility

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  12/20/90


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #23 on 
December 17, 1990:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to have the Administrative 
Committee fully represent and act in the stead of the Senate, until 
the next scheduled Senate meeting, in the matter of the Faculty 
Senate input into the Chancellor search.

	RATIONALE:	The time-line for the chancellor search 
		process is such that the Chancellor Search Committee 
		will need organized input from the Faculty Senate prior 
		to that body's next meeting.  The Administrative 
		Committee has sufficient representation to effect the 
		required input.

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  12/20/90


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #23 on 
December 17, 1990:

RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate ratifies the election of 
two individuals selected on the basis of the following ballot.

Please vote for TWO individuals to serve on the Faculty Appeals Committee for promotion and tenure. Sukumar Bandopadyhay Associate Professor of Mining Engineering School of Mineral Engineering Kenneth Krieg Associate Professor/Livestock Specialist Cooperative Extension Service ** Janis Lull Assocciate Professor of English College of Liberal Arts ** Nagabhaushana M.S. Rao Professor of Sociology College of Rural Alaska Frank Wooding Professor of Agronomy School of Agriculture and Land Resource Management Current Membership: John Aspnes, SOE (91) Professor of Electrical Engineering Joseph Niebauer, IMS (91) Professor of Marine Science *Robert White, IAB (91), Chair Professor of Zoophysiology & Nutrition ** Newly elected members. Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 12/20/90 ------------------------------------------------------------- The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #23 on December 17, 1990: MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval) ============== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the Associate of Applied Science degree requirements to the following: CREDITS COMMUNICATION English 111 and English 211, 212*, or 213 6 Speech Communication 131 or 141 3 MATHEMATICS OR NATURAL SCIENCE A math or natural science at the 100 level or above 3 HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCES, MATH, NATURAL SCIENCE OR PERSPECTIVES ON THE HUMAN CONDITION 3 MAJOR SPECIALTY at least 30 ELECTIVES 15 MINIMUM CREDITS REQUIRED FOR AAS DEGREE 60 Note: Students planning to go on to the baccalaureate degree need to work closely with their advisor and are encouraged to select courses meeting core requirements, and courses designated within majors and minors. *English 212 does not fulfill the second half of the written communication requirement for the baccalaureate degree. EFFECTIVE: Fall 1991 Upon Chancellor's Approval Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 12/20/90 Approved: Patrick J. O'Rourke, Chancellor Date: 1/7/91 ------------------------------------------------------------- The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #23 on December 17, 1990: MOTION PASSED (19 ayes, 7 nays) ============== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the Associated Applied Science degree requirements to require that all credits must be at 100 level or above. EFFECTIVE: Fall 1991 Upon Chancellor's Approval Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 12/20/90 Approved: Patrick J. O'Rourke, Chancellor Date: 1/7/91 *See note and attached memorandum. Recognizing that this action represents an item of controversy between SCCE & the Rural College versus the rest of the University, I have approved this motion only after further looking into the issue. I assure you this is NOT a University/community college difference and this notion brings our AAS degree more in line with national practice. Please see the attached memorandum for further explanation. Pat O'Rourke 1/7/91 ------------------------------------------------------------- The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #23 on December 17, 1990: MOTION PASSED (with 1 nay) ============== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to add the following section to the UAF policy on Department Heads: Section G - Acknowledgement for Department Head Duties A Department Head's duties may be acknowledged through release time, remuneration, and/or their service component of their faculty duties. Any acknowledgement must be agreed upon between the Department Head and the Dean and must be consistent with UAF and Board of Regent's policies. RATIONALE: The Faculty desire the practices by which Department Heads are acknowledged for their service to also appear in the document. Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 12/20/90 Approved: Patrick J. O'Rourke, Chancellor Date: 12/21/90 ------------------------------------------------------------- The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #23 on December 17, 1990: MOTION PASSED AS AMENDED (unanimous approval) ========================== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to endorse the following guidelines for Faculty Role in the Evaluation of Administrators 1. All faculty in a given administrative unit will have the opportunity to provide anonymous written input into the evaluation of their dean or director, associate dean or director, deputy director, and department head. In small units, interviews with individual faculty members may also be appropriate. 2. A representative sample of faculty will be asked to provide written input into the evaluation of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the Vice Chancellor for Research. The Faculty Senate and its leadership will be included in this sample, as well as any ad hoc groups and individuals who have worked closely with the administrators during the time covered by the evaluation. 3. In each evaluation cycle, a uniform procedure will be used in all academic units to obtain faculty input. 4. The procedure for evaluation of the Chancellor is codified in Board of Regents' policy. The Faculty Senate urges the Regents and the President to consult with faculty as a crucial part of this evaluation. 5. The administrative characteristics that faculty will have the opportunity to comment upon will include at least the following: Administrative Tasks Building and maintaining excellence Resource allocation Leadership Maintenance of strong faculty morale Problem resolution Delegation of duties to appropriate colleagues Building a team Providing a means to involve department heads and other faculty in decisionmaking Skills as a mediator between faculty and administration/community/legislature General leadership abilities Academic Contributions General Comments RATIONALE: The faculty desire a set of guidelines in policy describing the faculty role in the evaluation of administrators. Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 12/20/90 Approved: Patrick J. O'Rourke, Chancellor Date: 12/21/90 ------------------------------------------------------------- The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #23 on December 17, 1990: RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval) ================== BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate moves to request that the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs begin the election of all Department Heads in accordance with the procedures recently approved in the UAF policy on Department Heads. RATIONALE: This resolution specifically requests Department Head elections during the Spring Semester of 1991. Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 12/20/90 ------------------------------------------------------------- The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #23 on December 17, 1990: RESOLUTION PASSED AS AMENDED (unanimous approval) ============================== BE IT RESOLVED , That the UAF Faculty Senate renews its support for "a system of faculty awards to recognize significant accomplishment in teaching and/or research" by requesting that the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the Vice Chancellor for Research establish awards for distinguished teaching and research, with funding from their offices and following procedures developed by representative faculty committees. RATIONALE: 1. On February 1, 1984, the Fairbanks Assembly approved unanimously a motion including this recommendation: "A system of faculty awards shall be established to recognize significant accomplishment in teaching and/or research. Awards shall be given to 12 or 2% of the faculty, whichever is greater. Nominations may be made by any member of the UAF community to the Chancellor. Awards shall be granted by the Chancellor. (Recommendation #7) 2. In September, 1984, then Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs William Phillips asked the Committee on the Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness to prepare a proposal for a program of awards for teaching excellence at UAF. 3. In April, 1985, the Committee recommended an annual award for teaching excellence, and outlined a process to solicit nominations, evaluate nominees, and honor recipients. 4. Subsequent action by the Assembly and Chancellor in 1988 established a UAF merit awards program, in each school and college. This program does not satisfy the intent of the 1985 committee to make a small number of awards annually to distinguished UAF faculty in teaching and/or research. 5. UAF lacks an institution-wide focus on excellence in teaching and research, which will recognize the extraordinary contributions of our faculty while spurring continued creative efforts. Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 12/20/90 ------------------------------------------------------------- The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #23 on December 17, 1990: RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval) ================== BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate requests that the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs ensure that future faculty letters of appointment which indicates nature of the faculty's duties reads: Teaching, research and service as assigned [after faculty consultation]. RATIONALE: [Added language] is more in keeping with the actual process and the collegial atmosphere we wish to foster at UAF. Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 12/20/90 ------------------------------------------------------------- The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #23 on December 17, 1990: MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval) ============== The UAF Faculty Senate moves that when the nature of a faculty member's duties significantly changes during the course of a year, the faculty member will have the right to [[renegotiate a new workload distribution form.]] REQUEST THAT A NEW WORKLOAD DISTRIBUTION FORM REPLACE THE CURRENT YEAR'S WORKLOAD DISTRIBUTION. SUCH REQUESTS, IF ACCURATE, WILL BE HONORED BY THE COGNIZANT DEAN'S OFFICE. EFFECTIVE: Upon Chancellor's Approval RATIONALE: A policy is needed to allow for a faculty member's workload to reflect agreed upon alterations since the workload is a key component in the promotion, tenure, and retention of a faculty member. Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 12/20/90 Approved with Modifications Indicated: Pat O'Rourke, Chancellor Date: 1/7/91 ------------------------------------------------------------- The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #23 on December 17, 1990: RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval) ================== BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate endorses a survey of baccalaureate degree recipients. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: Such an instrument complements the faculty opinion survey recently undertaken for the UAF Self- Study. The proposed survey provides information about students' overall experience at UAF just prior to graduation, and it supplements the formal student process (Student Opinion of Instruction) currently in place. Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 12/20/90 ------------------------------------------------------------- The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #23 on December 17, 1990: MOTION PASSED AS AMENDED (unanimous approval) ========================== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to accept the following Associate of Arts degree requirements: ASSOCIATE OF ARTS REQUIREMENTS The Associate of Arts degree represents the completion of broad- based college study. This degree may serve as a starting point for your career or as a stepping stone to a baccalaureate program. You may earn only one A.A. degree. DISTRIBUTION OF CREDITS All credit for the A.A. degree must be at the l00-level or above with 20 credit at the 200-level or above, and be distributed as follows: COMMUNICATION (9 credits): CREDITS English 111 and English 211, 212*, or 213 6 Speech 131 or 141 3 MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCE (10 credits): Math 131 or a course in calculus (Math 162, 200, 201, 202, 272, or any math course having one of these as a prerequisite) 3 A 4-credit course, with laboratory, from approved natural science core courses 4 An additional 3 credits in either mathematics or natural science, with a "m" or "n" designation 3 HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE (18 Credits): The five lower-division courses in '"Perspectives on 15 the Human Condition" (Individual and Society, Political Economy, Modern World History, World Literatures, and Aesthetic Appreciation) An additional 3 credit in either humanities or the social sciences, with an "h" or "s" designation 3 (Two semester-length courses in a single non-English language taken at the university level may substitute for one of the required courses in "Perspectives on the Human Condition" and the three-credit elective.) LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SKILLS (0-1 credit): Successful completion of library skills competency test, or LS 100, or LS 101 0-1 It is strongly recommended that this requirement be completed before enrolling in, or concurrently with 200-level English courses. GENERAL ELECTIVES (22-23 credits): Any combination of courses 22-23 Students planning to go on to the baccalaureate degree are advised to select courses meeting remaining core requirements, and courses designated within majors and minors. Total Credits 60 RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT: Fifteen of the last 30 credits must be taken in residence. *English 212 does not fulfill the second half of the written communication requirement for the baccalaureate degree Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 12/20/90 Approved: Patrick J. O'Rourke, Chancellor Date: 1/7/91 ------------------------------------------------------------- The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #23 on December 17, 1990: MOTION PASSED AS AMENDED (unanimous approval) ========================= The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the following Core Curriculum Transition Policy. The core curriculum applies to all students (new freshmen and transfer students) admitted to and enrolling in baccalaureate degree programs at UAF in the fall semester, 1991, and thereafter. RATIONALE: A statement is needed specifing the UAF student's to which the new Core curriculum applies. Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 12/20/90 Approved: Patrick J. O'Rourke, Chancellor Date: 12/21/90