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FY10 Index of Actions

Agendas, Minutes and Actions

Meeting #
Sept. 14, 2009
1:00 p.m.

*Video/Audio Conference
109 Butrovich Bldg. - BOR Conference Room

Oct. 12, 2009
1:00 p.m.
Wood Center Ballroom
Nov. 9, 2009
1:00 p.m.
*Audio Conference
Wood Center Ballroom
Dec. 7, 2009
1:00 p.m.
*Audio Conference
Wood Center Ballroom
Feb. 1, 2010
1:00 p.m.
Wood Center Ballroom
Faculty Senate meeting has been moved to Mar. 5 to accommodate UA presidential finalists.
Mar. 1, 2010

UA Presidential Finalists' Visit to UAF. Statewide's Schedule of Visit to UAF Campus. (link no longer available)

Submit a question to be asked of the finalists.

Mar. 5, 2010
Mar. 1, 2010
1:00 p.m.
*Video/Audio Conference
201 O'Neill Conference Room
Wood Center Ballroom
Flyer on Meeting Move
Apr. 5, 2010
1:00 p.m.
*Audio Conference
Wood Center Ballroom
May 3, 2010
1:00 p.m.
Wood Center Ballroom
To be followed by the Usibelli Awards Reception at Wood Center C-D.

*Audio and Video Conference Information:

Audio Conference: 1-800-893-8850
Participant PIN: 1109306

Video Conference:
Please contact Video Conferencing Services to make arrangements ahead of time.
Outside Fairbanks, Call: 1-800-910-9601
Email: syvcs@alaska.edu

Faculty Senate Meeting #160, September 14, 2009
(Audio / Video Conference; BOR Conf. Rm. @ 109 Butrovich Building)

Agenda for #160
Word .doc [139KB]     PDF [119KB]

Reports and handouts for #160

(PDF format, unless noted otherwise)

Minutes for #160 Word.doc [137KB]      PDF [91KB]
Actions for #160 No motions passed at this meeting.

Invitation to
Faculty Senate Social
at Chancellor's Residence
5:30 PM on Sept. 14, 2009

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Faculty Senate Meeting #161, October 12, 2009
(Face to Face)
Audio Conference Info

Agenda for #161 Word .doc [151KB]    PDF [81KB]
Minutes for #161 Word.doc [131KB]  PDF [71KB]
Actions for #161

1. Motion to Post Course Syllabi Online - Passed
2. Motion to Adopt Accreditation Core Themes (as amended on the floor) - Passed
3. Ratification of the Department of Mathematics & Statistics Unit Criteria (as rearranged) - Passed (Oral vote)
     PDF Copy linked below

Reports for #161  

Alternative Form of Accreditation Core Themes (10-9-09)
Survey Results on Accreditation Core Themes - Updated as of 10-9-09
Accreditation Steering Committee Core Theme Notes of 9-28-09

Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics Unit Criteria (as rearranged)

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Faculty Senate Meeting #162, November 9, 2009
(Audio Conference)

Agenda for #162 Word.doc [195KB]   PDF [96KB]
Minutes for #162 Word.doc [145KB]
Actions for #162 1. Motion to Reaffirm the Journalism Department Unit Criteria [PDF 573KB]
Reports for #162 11-9-09: Accreditation Core Themes as Discussed at Faculty Senate (Dana Thomas)

Powerpoint Presentation by Alex Hwu, CDE Director


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Faculty Senate Meeting #163, December 7, 2009
(Audio Conference)

Agenda for #163 Word.doc [208KB]   PDF [96KB]
Minutes for #163 Word.doc [154KB] PDF [80KB]
Actions for #163
1. Motion to Approve a Minor in American Sign Language - passed
2. Motion to Restrict Labs for Core Natural Science Courses - referred back to committee

Accreditation Core Themes: Floor vote details contained in Minutes.
Results: Remove the word "sustainable" from Engage theme. Keep the Discover theme components together.
Reports for #163

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Faculty Senate Meeting #164, February 1, 2010
(Face to Face)
Audio Conference Info

Agenda for #164 Word.doc [153KB]   PDF [35KB]
Minutes for #164 Word.doc [137KB] PDF [59KB]
3/10/2010: Attendance corrected; one minor edit to pg. 11, Rainer's comment.
Actions for #164 No actions
Reports for #164 1. FDAI Committee Meeting Minutes
2.Unit Criteria Committee Meeting Minutes

Outstanding Senator of the Year Award - Guidelines (PDF)
March 19 is the deadline for nominations (not Mar. 1).
Nominations for OSYA are now open.

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DATE & LOCATION CHANGED as of 2-10-2010
201 O'Neill Bldg., March 5, 2010

Faculty Senate Meeting #165, Friday, March 5, 2010
(Video and Audio Conferenced)

Agenda for #165

AGENDA #165:
Word [261KB]    PDF [121KB]

For discussion:
3-4-2010: Received updated draft
Draft AMP, v.23 (Word)
Copy of AMP Final Charge (PDF)

Word docs: earlier version
Cover letter to the Draft AMP
Draft Academic Master Plan, v.22-1

Discussion Items and Unfinished Business

President's Statements (PDFs):
Academic Master Plan Draft
UA Presidential Search

Remaining motions on the Senate Bylaws' changes to reapportionment/membership will be included on #166 agenda.

Motion reaffirming ANLC/ANLP unit criteria will be included on #166 agenda.

Minutes for #165
Final Minutes #165 (Word document)
Final-Minutes-#165 (PDF)
Instructions to access audio conference recording were emailed to the Faculty Senate. Call x7964 or email 'fysenate' for instructions.
Actions for #165

1. Motion to Extend Terms of President and President-Elect:
3/5/10 voting quorum results: 19 in favor of extending terms; 7 not in favor.
3/11/10 voting results of entire membership: 25 votes in favor; 8 not in favor; 1 abstention; 3 not voting.
2. Resolution on Leave Share: passed.
3. Motion amending Mandatory Placement Policy: passed on 3/16/2010 by electronic vote.
4. Motion amending Senate Bylaws, Sect. 1 (ART. III: Membership) "A": passed.
5. Motion amending Senate Bylaws, Sect. 1 (ART. III: Membership) "B.1" and "B.7": passed.
6. Motion amending Senate Bylaws, Sect. 1 (ART. III: Membership) "B.2 through B.5": passed.

Reports for #165

Discussion Item will be included in #166 agenda:
Peer Observation Form for Seminar Teaching (Word)
Peer Observation Form (Word)

Draft Placement Tables: English, Dev. English, and Dev. Studies (Reading) Course Placement Scores
Excel Spreadsheets

Draft - First Year Seminars Request for Proposals

Memo: NWCCU seeks Senate feedback on
institutional elibility requirements
. (PDF)

Flyer: 2010 UAF Graduate Student Conference

Outstanding Senator of the Year Award - Guidelines (PDF)
March 19 is the nomination deadline - not March 1.
Nominations for OSYA are now open.

For Curricular Affairs Committee:
Full program proposal for AAS, Drafting Technology (Word doc)

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Faculty Senate Meeting #166, April 5, 2010
(Audio Conferenced)

Agenda for #166

AGENDA #166:
Word [1.8MB]    PDF [319KB]

See Discussion Item files below.

Minutes for #166 Word.doc [148KB] PDF [150KB]

Actions for #166

Reports for #166  

Discussion Item included in #166 agenda:
Draft AMP, v.23 (Word)
Copy of AMP Final Charge (PDF)

Discussion Item included in #166 agenda:
Peer Observation Form for Seminar Teaching (Word)
Peer Observation Form (Word)

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Faculty Senate Meeting #167, May 3, 2009
(Face to Face)
Audio Conference Info

Usibelli Awards Reception will follow at Wood Center C-D

Agenda for #167

Agenda #167:
Word.doc [393KB] PDF [273KB]

A possible motion is under consideration by Curricular Affairs for a new certificate in Rural Nutrition Services (pending further revisions of the proposal). If accepted, it will be an addition to the agenda at the Senate meeting.

Minutes for #167 Minutes #167 (PDF, 247KB)
Actions for #167
Reports and Handouts for #167

PDF: Curriculum Review Committee Report for Fall 2009 and Spring 2010.

PDF: Faculty Development, Assessment and Improvement Committee 2010 Report

PDF: Draft Baccalaureate Core Curriculum revisions. - Handout from Vice Provost Dana Thomas (Please also reference the Attachment 167/8 from the Curricular Affairs Committee included in Agenda 167.)

PDF: Academic Advising Center Overview by Linda Hapsmith

New Certificate Program Proposal for Rural Nutrition Services

Revised version received April 30, 2010
Word document [3MB]


Administrative Committee Meetings (Summer)

May 19, 2010

May 19, 2010 Discussion Items

Handouts re Electronic Student Evals
1. Summary by FDAI
2. Article by D. Nulty
3. Article by C. Dommeyer (et al)


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This page maintained by Jayne Harvie, fysenate@uaf.edu.