Alexei Rybkin

1998 | Professor of Mathematics
Leningrad State University 1985, PhD
CH 304B | 907-474-6002
Broadly speaking, water is my business. More specifically, I study nonlinear partial
differential equations that model (among many other physical phenomena) water waves.
I maintain two large lines of research: theoretical and applied. In the theoretical
part I study completely integrable systems by inverse spectral and scattering methods
in connection with fluid mechanics. In the applied part I collaborate with geophysicists
on shallow water waves systems that are used in modeling tsunami waves. For this activity
I hire graduate and undergraduate students.
Highlighted work:
“The binary Darboux transformation revisited and KdV solitons on arbitrary short-range
backgrounds”, Studies in Applied Math (2021), to appear.
“The Generalized Carrier–Greenspan Transform for the Shallow Water System with Arbitrary
Initial and Boundary Conditions”, Water Waves 1 (2021), vol 3, 268-295 (with D. Nicolsky,
E. Pelinovsky, and M. Buckle) *.
“On classical solutions of the KdV equation”, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 121 (2020)
354–371 (with S. Grudsky)
"General Initial Value Problem for the Nonlinear Shallow Water Equations: Runup of
Long Waves on Sloping Beaches and Bays", Physics Letters A 382 (2018) 2738–2743 (with
A. Raz, D. Nicolsky, and E. Pelinovsky) *.
“Nonlinear wave run-up in bays of arbitrary cross-section: generalization of Carrier-Greenspan
approach”, J. Fluid Mech. (2014), vol. 748, pp. 416-432 (with I. Didenkulova and E.
*denotes contributing undergraduates in REU program