ARENA Cohort Explores Direct Uses of Geothermal Energy in Iceland
From spas and pools to fish drying and processing, the 2022 Arctic Remote Energy Networks Academy (ARENA) saw first hand last week how Iceland鈥檚 exceptional geothermal resource is integrated into nearly every level of their society. from Canada, Alaska, Greenland and Finland reconvened in Reykjavik for the second of three program on-sites.
While an impressive 90% of space heating and 40% of electricity in Iceland is supplied by geothermal energy, arguably the most interesting direct uses of the geothermal resource are found in industry. The cohort toured the geothermal fish drying factory, the and its tourist-magnet the on the ReykjanesPeninsula, as well as several commercial geothermal greenhouses that contribute to the admirable 50% of Iceland鈥檚 food supply that is produced locally.
In addition to field trips and tours, the cohort also attended classroom sessions with esteemed faculty from Iceland鈥檚 .
ARENA is held in partnership with Canada, Gwich鈥檌n Council International, the United States and Iceland. The Iceland onsite is organized by staff from the with funding from the Ministery for Foreign Affairs in Iceland.
The third and final ARENA on-site will take place in Whitehorse and Old Crow in Canada鈥檚 Yukon Territory in January of next year. Learn more at